Mocups of focus hints for panes

Matthew Woehlke mw_triad at
Fri Dec 1 19:55:18 GMT 2006

Jaroslaw Staniek wrote:
> Matthew Woehlke said the following, On 2006-11-28 18:09:
>> Yes, I did eventually realize what you were talking about here. I 
>> could do a mock-up (or heck, maybe The Real Thing) of a better version 
>> if you are interested. Are you? :-) Anything *I* would do would be 
>> done in code, so any screenshots I would produce as a result would be 
>> The Real Thing, rather than mock-ups made with image editors.
> Yes I am interested, put some code or screenshots here for review - 
> sooner, better; even if it is KDE-only, we'll get a solution for KDE apps.

By "here" I'll assume you meant "attach them" (if not, someone will need
to point me at where I can upload these critters.)

Anyway, I changed my mind about hacking my own style, as I like how it 
does things currently. Instead I'm hacking on Plastik. This has the 
added bonus that you can already specify your own colors, overriding the
system color scheme. Plus it's the first one that needs to be "fixed". :-)

First two are 'frame highlight' mode being shown off; for now all I've 
really done is make combo box highlighting stand out a little more and 
copied it over so that non-editable boxes are highlighted.

Third is the new config options: 'input' and 'rect' will be the same as 
the current behavior with 'input focus highlighting' on and off, 
respectively. 'frame' (which will be default, btw) will be something 
like 'input plus'; everything will change frame colors ala 'input'. 
'background' will be like your original suggestion.

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