Preparations of KDE 4.0 Snapshot 1

Benjamin Meyer ben at
Thu Aug 10 09:17:53 BST 2006

On Thursday 10 August 2006 09:52, Thomas Zander wrote:
> On Thursday 10 August 2006 02:22, Matt Rogers wrote:
> > It seems silly to put together a snapshot of something that mostly
> > doesn't work. Snapshot still implies release, which for most people,
> > will imply working. I'm against the idea.
> [just picked this email by random, so consider this a reply to the whole
> thread, not to you Matt]
> I think you guys are looking at this from a different perspective then you
> should.  You are looking at it from the perspective of a accomplished
> kdelibs developer. One that knows how to use svn and all that.
> This is about release early, release often.
> Look, same as Qt has snapshots and so do many many open source projects,
> KDE should have a snapshot. Still without any guarantee and all that. But
> this will definitely make the threshhold a bit lower for people using
> kdelibs to switch to kde4 / qt4, give feedback etc.
> If you have the believe that nobody in their right mind should actually be
> creating an app that uses kdelibs - trunk (and this snapshot), then you
> are right. We should not release.  But I assume thats not the case.
> It would be really helpful to have a list of stuff that is still open for
> TODO and thus should be considered to change before the next snapshot(s).
> I support a snapshot.

At the cabin trip I started a wiki page of critical issues that should be 
resolved before a snapshot is release

I think one or two of them have been fixed sense then.  Feel free to add your 
own must be fixed items.

-Benjamin Meyer

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