HAL required ?

Mario Teijeiro Otero emeteo at escomposlinux.org
Mon Sep 26 21:45:25 BST 2005

On Monday 26 September 2005 21:48, Kevin Ottens wrote:
> > configure: error: Library requirements (hal) not met;
> >
> > is this correct that HAL is now a strict requirement ?
> No, it's not... Since when do you get this error? If it's really new it
> could come from a modification that has been committed to a configure.in.in
> a hour ago.

Sorry, I didn't deal the error of PKG_CHECK_MODULES, and then, a AC_MSG_ERROR 
is used. I'll put: 

PKG_CHECK_MODULES( HAL, hal, [ HAL_INCS=$HAL_CFLAGS; hal_inc=FOUND; hal_lib=  
FOUND; ] , AC_MSG_RESULT(Nothing found on PKG_CONFIG_PATH) )

The same to dbus-1. 

Please, CC'me, I am not suscribed to this list.


Keep away software patents from Europe.
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