SANE 2006 Paper Submissions

Adriaan de Groot groot at
Fri Sep 23 21:21:58 BST 2005

[Apologies if you receive this message via more than one mailing list. I'm 
trying not to spam _too_ hard, though. SANE is a pretty big conference, held 
every other year, with a broad scope. There is an Open Source bazaar at the 
very least, where KDE NL will be sure to make a lot of noise. I think things 
like Kiosk, Guidance, probably lots more I don't know about might make useful 
contributions to the SANE programme. Especially if you have a talk still 
fresh in your mind from Malaga, you might want to submit here as well. 
Disclaimer: I'm in the Programme Committee, but will refuse to review papers 
from KDE people on ethical grounds.]

Subject: SANE 2006 refereed paper submission deadline is October 24, 2005

 | REMINDER:  the submission  deadline for your proposal for the SANE 2006  |
 |            refereed papers technical track is October 24, 2005 which is  |
 |            just about a month from now!                                  |
 |                                                                          |
 |            Extended abstracts due:    October  24, 2005                  |
 |            Notification to speakers:  November 30, 2005                  |
 |            Final papers due:          April     3, 2006                  |

Dear Colleague,

On behalf of all of the SANE 2006 organizers,  I'd like  to invite you to
participate in the SANE 2006 conference!

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       5th System Administration and Network Engineering Conference
                              May 15-19, 2006

               Aula Congresscentre, TU Delft, The Netherlands

SANE 2006 is an international conference, aimed at system administrators,
network  (security)  professionals  and  (open  source) developers,  that
focuses  on  systems administration, network engineering,  security, open
source developments and Internet technologies.

At  SANE 2006  we're  offering 3  days of training,  followed by  a 2-day
conference   program  filled  with  the latest  developments  in  systems
administration, network engineering,  security,  open source software and
practical  approaches to  the  puzzles and  problems  you wrestle  with.
You'll  also have many opportunities  to meet other system administrators
and  network  professionals and chat  with peers who share  your concerns
and interests.

For more conference details and  the refereed paper submission procedure,
please visit the SANE 2006 web site:

Looking forward to seeing you at SANE !

These are your friends - Adem
    GPG: FEA2 A3FE Adriaan de Groot
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