New i18n interface for KDE 4

Chusslove Illich caslav.ilic at
Mon Sep 12 17:55:43 BST 2005

> [: Nicolas Goutte :]
> But we have here a new key class of KDE, not one that you can skip
> easily. So if the compiler fails, it means that you cannot port KDE
> to that compiler (and I am not meaning MS Windows in that case.)

No, no, I meant the following: using a configure check, we determine if on 
a particular platform compiler allows to overload operator new(); if it 
doesn't, we simply don't overload new(), and KDE compiles normally.

This means that on such a platform, one could write code which allocates 
KI18n's dynamically. But I think that is not a problem because: 1) chances 
for someone both developing KDE code on such a platform and using dynamic 
allocation of KI18n's is small, and 2) if it does happen, as soon as the 
code moves to a normal platform it won't compile, so it is the author of 
that code who has a portability problem due to his broken compiler.

Chusslove Illich (Часлав Илић)
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