D pointers

Adriaan de Groot adriaan at codeyard.net
Mon Oct 3 15:05:24 BST 2005

On Monday 03 October 2005 15:48, Lubos Lunak wrote:
>  I'm aware of that problem too. It seems the BIC document at
> developer.kde.org could use some updating, e.g. (not only) to say sth. like
> "every class which should keep binary compatibility should have all ctors
> non-inline and explicit non-inline dtor."

The BIC document referred to by Lubos is 
http://developer.kde.org/documentation/other/binarycompatibility.html .

Certainly someone knowledgable about the subject could go over the document 
again. Since the page isn't policy - and therefore merely informative - 
changes can be made. The source for that document is over there -> , eh. So 
anyone can update it however they like. 

Adriaan de Groot - CodeYard
                 - Scholier en Open Source

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