D pointers

Holger Freyther freyther at gmx.net
Sun Oct 2 22:51:35 BST 2005

Am 02.10.2005 um 23:06 schrieb Michael Pyne:

> On Sunday 02 October 2005 05:11, Alexander Neundorf wrote:
>> There's always much talk about how open source software might help
>> especially in poor countries. But if the software requires up-to-date
>> hardware this argument is mainly void :-/
> That's a valid point, but if running one more malloc() is seriously  
> that much
> of a burden then why are we splitting hairs about D pointers when  
> there is a
> whole slew of code in kdelibs that could probably be optimized?   
> People have
> already pointed out that D pointers may not be a good idea in  
> classes that
> *have to be* speed-intensive.  But for the vast majority of classes  
> one extra
> malloc() will not be noticable.


the issue is not with the many more mallocs but with the mindset. If  
2Ghz machine are old... well all of my mobile devices are old then.  
Probably this is one of the reasons GNOME runs on the Nokia N770 and  
KDE not.
That is slightly off topic but I would welcome a KDE4 where the core  
technologies can be utilized on handhelds (like Gnome VFS, Gnome  
Office, Gnome Evolution Data Center) are utilized on the N770.

Sorry that had nothing to do with D-Pointers...

kind regards holger

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