desktop/kicker + icon placement

Aaron J. Seigo aseigo at
Thu May 5 05:02:38 BST 2005

On Wednesday 04 May 2005 02:18, Martin Koller wrote:
> If kicker maintains this QRect, how can I get it (or get informed when it
> changes) ?
> Should this be DCOP ?

for KDE3, yes.[1] one to get the rect, e.g. QRect Kicker::desktopRect() and a 
DCOP signal kicker can emit when this changes.

it may even be nicer to allow sending kdesktop a set of rect's so that if a 
panel only obscures 50% of the screen, icons can appear in the other 50%? 
kicker uses extended NETWM struts since 3.4 so this s houldbe possible. for 
now i guess we should keep it simple, in any case.

[1] for KDE4, hopefully the distinction between kdesktop and kicker will 

Aaron J. Seigo
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