SVN timing

Isaac Clerencia isaac at
Wed Mar 23 22:07:26 GMT 2005

On Wednesday, 23 de March de 2005 23:00, Alexander Neundorf wrote:
> I know svn has real advantages over cvs, and converting the server takes
> only 12 hours.
> Have also the other issues been considered ?
> -is svn now actually fast enough ? From previous mails it seems it's
> significantly slower than cvs. Is this true ?
It uses less bandwith than CVS, but I'm not sure what do you mean with 
"slower" exactly.

> -is it mature enough ? (the segfault, the problems you found during
> testing, etc.)
Using here for a year without any problem.

> and the time the switch will consume:
> every developer has to:
> -find out its cvs password again (0..X h), how ?
> -learn to use svn ( 1 h )
> -recheckout everything ( > 2 h), not everybody has >= DSL
do it while you sleep/have lunch/get your children from school ...

> -recompile everything ( > 4 h)
use ccache, do it while you sleep ...

> So, we really do want to switch, don't we ?

Isaac Clerencia at Warp Networks,
Work: <isaac at>   | Debian: <isaac at>
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