Floating toolbars positioning

Ian Reinhart Geiser geiseri at yahoo.com
Thu Mar 17 20:31:20 GMT 2005

On Thursday 17 March 2005 03:23 pm, David Faure wrote:
> Is this worth fixing? Floating toolbars will no longer exist in Qt 4
> (reason: "this functionality isn't being used" IIRC)
AFAIK no platform really natively supports floating toolbars save for MacOS, 
and Qt doesn't do those right there anyway.  I think MS office lets you try 
doing it, but its wonkey none the less.  Its probably better to either ignore 
them, or state that KDE in fact supports floating toolbars and then just do 
them our own way.  Really how OSX (actually this is more of adobe's animal i 
think) handles floating toolbars is as tool "palettes", where buttons are in 
a 2 or 3 buttons across grid.  These would be cool to have in applications 
like Kolourpaint and maybe some koffice applications, but this is an entirely 
different animal.

 -ian reinhart geiser
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