Wikipedia and KDEEDU
Ingo Klöcker
kloecker at
Thu Jun 30 00:31:35 BST 2005
On Wednesday 29 June 2005 10:29, Carsten Niehaus wrote:
> Hi
> After the LinuxTag I had some discussions in IRC and on mailinglists.
> This is the result. This is from the perspective of an
> applicationdeveloper, not from kdelibs. We asked ourselfes: What do
> apps in kdeedu need from kdelibs and the wikipedia-API?
The API doesn't seem to be async and thus usage of the below methods
will cause unwanted freezes of the application which checks for or gets
articles. So instead of the below you should create some WikipediaJobs
(similar to KIO::Job) which check for and fetch articles and which then
report the result via some signals.
> * validate if an article exists
> -- bool articleExists( const QString& articlename )
> * return an article (wiketext, xml or html) which I request
> /**
> * @param articlename the name of the article
> * @param type defines if this returned string is in XML,
> Wikitext or html
> */
> -- QString getArticle( const QString& articlename, DocumentType
> type )
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