KDE 3.5 Feature Plan: feedback agent

Jarosław Staniek js at iidea.pl
Fri Jun 10 16:01:44 BST 2005


"Build "quality feedback agent" to report crashes and bad critical log entries 
to kde.org, then tools to statistically analyze the data and search for 
trends. Hopefully enough compiler info will be passed to do a proper symbol 
table lookup, to allow plotting crashes by method."

Anybody can confirm for the above, will this one be used?:


regards / pozdrawiam,
  Jaroslaw Staniek / OpenOffice Polska / Kexi Team
  http://www.openoffice.com.pl  |  http://www.kexi-project.org
  KDElibs/Windows: http://wiki.kde.org/tiki-index.php?page=KDElibs+for+win32

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