[Kde-cvs-announce] KDE 3.5 branched / KDE 4 development in trunk/KDE

Richard Dale Richard_Dale at tipitina.demon.co.uk
Wed Jul 27 08:44:11 BST 2005

On Wednesday 27 July 2005 10:08, Stephan Kulow wrote:
> It's true that in the past, the branching of a version was about the last
> thing we did before releasing. But this time is different. We need to
> develop two versions at once.
> I outlined my direction back in march I think. Due to some personal reasons
> I wasn't able to push it full steam, but it was clear from the beginning
> that KDE 3.5 wouldn't work as the releases before.
I made a work/kde4 branch of kdebindings yesterday, just before I read about 
the trunk becoming kde4. Oops.. bad timing. 

But I have a problem with the configure checks in the admin directories. The 
one I added with a 'svn pe svn:externals kdebindings' command was looking for 
Qt 3.3, and not Qt 4. When I tried to build kdelibs which has the correct KDE 
4 admin dir in work/kde4 it needed unsermake. 

As far as I know kdebindings doesn't build with unsermake. So is it possible 
to have a config check in kdebindings that looks for just Qt 4 in the same 
way the current one just looks for Qt 3, plus a KDE 4 version of kdelibs, or 
is unsermake required for KDE 4 development?

-- Richard

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