[PATCH] Konqueror about

Andy Fawcett andy at athame.co.uk
Fri Jul 8 20:52:32 BST 2005

Replying to just this one thing:

On Friday 08 July 2005 11:10, James Richard Tyrer wrote:
> > For what it's worth, on windows not everyone uses the preset "My
> > Documents" folder for all files.
> Even more interesting (or strange) since that is the default and I
> presume hard coded into Windows.

It's not hard-coded, except as a fallback. It's configurable (if you 
know what registry setting to change).


Andy Fawcett                                     | andy at athame.co.uk
                                                 | tap at kde.org
"In an open world without walls and fences,      | tap at lspace.org
  we wouldn't need Windows and Gates."  -- anon  | tap at fruitsalad.org

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