[PATCH] Konqueror about

James Richard Tyrer tyrerj at acm.org
Wed Jul 6 11:08:56 BST 2005

Attached is my patch against 3.4 Branch to make changes I have suggested 
to the first page of "Konqueror Introduction"


"Home Folder" is changed to "User Files" and the icon for it is changed 
to "gohome" so that it will always display a house.

The icon for "Storage Media" is changed to: "media".  We need a new icon 
for this and this was posted to the Artist list.  I suggest that we 
could temporarily use: "blockdevice" till we have a new icon.  We should 
not use: "system" because it may cause confusion.

The URL for what is now: "Home Folder" is changed so that it is the URL 
set in the Control Center in:

	System Administration -> Paths: Documents path

And, the icons are also changed for the Konqueror menu: "Go".

Please give this your consideration.  I will not commit this without 

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