sqlite in kdelibs

Jaroslaw Staniek js at iidea.pl
Sat Jan 22 22:09:27 GMT 2005

>> As an exercise: try to write an app using the Qt SQL classes which can 
>> insert a row into a table and then retrieve the server-generated 
>> primary key for that row, without coding any knowledge about, or tests 
>> for, what database server the app is talking to.
> QSqlQuery::lastInsertId() should do the trick in Qt 4.
> I don't see any reasons why Kexi would need an own database access layer 
> instead of building on top of the Qt SQL module. Please CC harald at 
> trolltech com if you think that I am mistaken.

First, software developemnt (as I can understand it) couldn't be done by 
endless waiting for 3rd party features. We can mention more and more features 
undoubtely needed in Kexi and many many db apps build on top of it, and these 
features are not supported by, say, Qt4, .NET 2009, MSA/ADO and so on. I 
wouldn't say that means all of us want to wait for next mayor release of our 
favourite framework (whatever it is) and just politely asking.

Sure, as a side effect we've got a diversification on frameworks level. A few 
devs are probably in doubt regarding to reasons of so many proposals in DB 
area. Only thing I can say, IMHO as Kexi coauthor but also Qt fan, is that, 
while we're comparing QtSQL and KexiDB/KexiDB frameworks (not mentioning 
KexiDBWidgets framework), I am almost sure that QtSQL can be wrapped as a 
KexiDB plugin (hint: Kexi has been seriously developed/designed since early 
2003) and will still require less code and cleaner to provide the same effect.

regards / pozdrawiam,
  Jaroslaw Staniek / OpenOffice Polska / Kexi Team
  Developers Wanted! Kexi 0.1 Beta 5 Released: http://www.kexi-project.org
  KDElibs/Windows: http://wiki.kde.org/tiki-index.php?page=KDElibs+for+win32

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