[RFC] Security and Features in KPDF

Ingo Klöcker kloecker at kde.org
Mon Jan 3 18:55:36 GMT 2005

On Monday 03 January 2005 01:29, Malte S. Stretz wrote:
> On Monday 03 January 2005 01:08 CET Ingo Klöcker wrote:
> > On Monday 03 January 2005 00:19, Tobias Koenig wrote:
> > > But
> > > that's the same case as when the user clicks on an unknown email
> > > attachment. Do we forbid email attachments for this reason?
> >
> > That's nonsense. Clicking on an unknown email attachment in KMail
> > does never result in 'rm -Rf /' or similarly dangerous commands
> > being executed. [...]
> What about HTML?  Ok, maybe there's no rm -rf possible, but why isn't
> in PDFs everything allowed which is in HTML?  Ok, maybe not
> erverything (like JavaScript which is AFAIK possible with Acrobat 6
> though), but at least every link?
> That way one (aka Tobias) could put a script or whatever at a well
> know place and put a file-URL to that place into his PDF file.  A
> click executes, after a dialog of course.  Ok, that would still give
> the user enough rope to hang himself, but hey, how would that be less
> secure than the attached HTML file?  (Have you noted that the focus
> is on the "Execute" button btw?)

Shocking. I didn't knew that Konqueror will ask whether fortune (or any 
other app) should be executed. Indeed there's not much difference to 
what Tobias proposed for kpdf.

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