GUI nitpicking, application initial size.

Benjamin Meyer ben at
Sun Feb 27 17:32:53 GMT 2005

On Saturday 26 February 2005 10:05 pm, Knut Morten Johansson wrote:
> Since I have problems with concepts like horizontal and vertical, I think
> it's time to get some more education:-) So here goes kdeedu cvs 26/2.
> KVocTrain - 100x234 To small, increase to 500 or 650x300
> KBruch - 749x283 - 650x330 looks much better.
> KMPlot - 200x150 Small, increase to at least 450x520
> KTouch - 589x331 - The keyboard layout pic autoscales, but looks to
>                                      small, recommend increase to 700x510.
> KWordQuiz - 257x173  To small, increase to 650x500
> KeducaBuilder - 192x266 To small, someting like 500x400 are better.
> KEDuca - 320x305 Small, 450x450 perhaps.
> Next stop kdewebdev and kdevelop cvs 26/2:
> KImageMapEditor - 208x255  Bad, 720x520 better.
> KDevelop designer 786x576 The "canvas" is realy to small to be usable,
>                                                    but the whole app is big
> anyway
> Regards
> Knut

hmmm.... I don't think we should blindly increase the size of app windows by 
default.  There doesn't seem to be much behind the definitions of "better" 
above.  Especially when that means that some developer will just go add a 
resize() in the constructor (which is bad).  There is nothing wrong with 
having a smaller window.  If there are QWidgets that have been overload'd for 
the paintEvent make sure to overload the minimumSizeHint(), for example in 
KTouch the keyboard could have a larger minimumSizeHint(), but don't give 
random app sizes via resize().

In fact every app should not ever call resize()

 (minus konq with its profiles...)

For more info on why to not call resize() go here:

-Benjamin Meyer 

aka icefox
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