GUI nitpicking, application initial size.

Knut Morten Johansson knutmj at
Sat Feb 26 22:05:22 GMT 2005

Since I have problems with concepts like horizontal and vertical, I think it's 
time to get some more education:-) So here goes kdeedu cvs 26/2.

KVocTrain - 100x234 To small, increase to 500 or 650x300

KBruch - 749x283 - 650x330 looks much better.

KMPlot - 200x150 Small, increase to at least 450x520

KTouch - 589x331 - The keyboard layout pic autoscales, but looks to
                                     small, recommend increase to 700x510.

KWordQuiz - 257x173  To small, increase to 650x500

KeducaBuilder - 192x266 To small, someting like 500x400 are better.

KEDuca - 320x305 Small, 450x450 perhaps.

Next stop kdewebdev and kdevelop cvs 26/2:

KImageMapEditor - 208x255  Bad, 720x520 better.

KDevelop designer 786x576 The "canvas" is realy to small to be usable,
                                                   but the whole app is big 


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