Build system (was Re: Future of KDE Development)

Harri Porten porten at
Sat Feb 19 13:00:33 GMT 2005

On Sat, 19 Feb 2005, Alexander Dymo wrote:

> qmake support in KDevelop theoretically leaves alone everything it does not
> understand (ok, ok, only theoretically because there are some bugs).
> But again, it is theoretically possible to understand the whole content
> of .pro file and reflect it in the GUI. I'm working now on a qmake parser
> and so far I'm getting promising results.

So you aim at dealing with definitions like:

  unix: SOURCES += foo_unix.cpp
  win32: SOURCE += foo_win.cpp

Sounds very challenging. Trying the same with a fully fledged language
like Python sounds almost impossible to me.


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