[PATCH] KSpell Unicode problem (BR#86940)

Mashrab Kuvatov kmashrab at sat.physik.uni-bremen.de
Sat Feb 19 12:00:43 GMT 2005

On Saturday 19 February 2005 11:40, Anders Lund wrote:

> So after upgrading aspell over that line, you'll need to recompile kdelibs?

I understand what you mean, it takes some time and it is annoying. However,
most (?) users, IMHO, use binaries.

> Can't aspell be queried for its version, and the string handled
> accordingly?

How expensive in terms of speed will the spellchecking be if the Aspell
version tested in run-time?

Mashrab Kuvatov
Ph.D student
University of Bremen, IUP
Home-page: www.sat.uni-bremen.de/members/mashrab
PGP key: www.uni-bremen.de/~kmashrab/kmashrab.asc

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