Subversion problems

Thiago Macieira thiago.macieira at
Fri Feb 18 20:17:57 GMT 2005

Charles Samuels wrote:
>$ time svn co svn+ssh://

Make sure your ssh client was set to compress its data stream. I'm unsure 
if this requires server-side settings as well.

For https checkouts, the setting is in the Apache server. The client side 
svn client has no switch to enable compression -- it is done 
automatically if the server supports it.

Compare the checkout to CVS -z0 if you didn't turn compression on in ssh.

  Thiago Macieira  -  thiago (AT) macieira (DOT) info
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3. Ac seo woruld wearð geborod, swá se Scieppend cweað "Gewurde Unix" and 
wundor fremede and him "Unix" genemned, þæt is se rihtendgesamnung.
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