Build system (was Re: Future of KDE Development)

Stephan Kulow coolo at
Fri Feb 18 16:44:51 GMT 2005

Am Friday 18 February 2005 17:28 schrieb Alexander Neundorf:
> Here comes this in cmake:
> FIND_PROGRAM(blah_PATH blah)
> IF(NOT bla_PATH)
>    ADD_EXECUTABLE(blah_addon addon1.cpp)
Where does it install?

> Yes, it's upper case, but my main point is not its "beautiful" syntax, but I 
> hadn't done this before, and I found out how to do this in 5 minutes from 
> looking at the manpage.
> Stephan, is cmake one of your options or are the only options autotools, 
> unsermake and scons ?
No, it's not one of my options (and so far you seem to pretty lonely with your
options). M4 has a very nice man page too - and still it's not my favorite language.

Greetings, Stpehan

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