Build system (was Re: Future of KDE Development)

Frerich Raabe raabe at
Thu Feb 17 12:05:16 GMT 2005

On Wednesday 16 February 2005 16:08, Michael Nottebrock wrote:
> I'm pretty indifferent to which build system I'll have to wrap my head
> around to fix portability issues in the future, but: Of all the candidates
> proposed to replace autotools, has anybody actually *tried* those on !Linux
> yet?
> I've stopped trusting webpages saying "this is portable" - more often than
> not it really means "is believed to be portable".

I've been playing with bksys on FreeBSD for some time. It almost worked out of 
the box - the only problem was that one of the 'sed' commands run by bksys 
used an 'I' modificator for the regexp, which is not supported on FreeBSD. 
Portability could be improved even further by using less shell commands and 
using Python facilities as far as possible.

- Frerich
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