KDE4/Qt4 minimum gcc version 3.2

Dirk Mueller mueller at kde.org
Fri Apr 15 19:24:58 BST 2005

On Friday 15 April 2005 20:05, Kurt V. Hindenburg wrote:

> I just noticed a reply from trolltech on the Qt4 preview ml stating that
> gcc 3.2 is the minimum version (Also stated on
> http://www.trolltech.com/products/qt/qt4-platforms.html).  Didn't I see a
> long thread a few weeks ago about KDE supporting gcc 2.95?  KDE has to have
> the same minimum gcc version Qt does, correct?

Its the minimum supported version. It doesn't say its the required gcc 
version. so you might still have luck using an older compiler, but its 
unsupported (and the same is true for KDE). 


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