[RFC] KUnitTest library

Zack Rusin zrusin at trolltech.com
Thu Apr 7 12:41:29 BST 2005

On Thursday 07 April 2005 05:47, Jeroen Wijnhout wrote:
> For me the advantage of KUnitTest is that is integrates well with the
> KDE build system, since I'm no automake hero, that's a real plus. I
> couldn't get the QtRunner of CppUnit to work (even when I got it to
> compile it crashed, while it didn't crash when it was compiled using
> the qmake .pro file). So KUnitTest is probably very weak compared to
> other tools, but he, it works ;-)

I don't think it's weak compared to other tools, in fact I think it 
stacks rather well against them. Personally I was just never too happy 
with it. It doesn't make it bad by any means, it just makes it one of 
the billion things that I wrote and was never fully happy with :)  
I'm sure you made it substantially better and if you think you'll be 
able to maintain it, I'd say go for it (put it in kdesdk, or maybe even 
kdelibs). It would definitely make a lot of sense to have a unit 
testing library in KDE at some point.


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