RFC: pkg-config for KDE

Ian Reinhart Geiser geiseri at yahoo.com
Thu Sep 30 06:06:50 BST 2004

David Johnson said:
> On Wednesday 29 September 2004 03:49 pm, Michael Pyne wrote:
>> On Wednesday 29 September 2004 05:07 pm, Piotr Szymanski wrote:
>> > Doesnt qmake suck because it has install stuff in make and not make
>> > install? At least it sucked in qsa (actually the trolls sucked as
>> > well because they wrote a configure in c++).
>> Even assuming what you said is true (I'm not sure), I would say that
>> qmake is better (at least for some things) than the autotools.
> It's certainly better in a lot of important ways. But it has a few
> drawbacks that still keep me from switching to it. Those are poor
> install and a complete lack of uninstall.
im assuming you mean QMake.  make install works pretty well as for make
uninstall. they even respect INSTALL_ROOT for packagers.  i did notice a
bug though where it seems to be trying to be too smart for its own good
and tries to use a relitive path in some cases.  This has some annoying
results when using INSTALL_ROOT to change the prefix for install.  Ideally
the Trolls know about this one, and it will not be an issue much longer. 
Other than that issue make install and make uninstall work just fine.

  -ian reinhart geiser

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