RFC: pkg-config for KDE

Ian Reinhart Geiser geiseri at sourcextreme.com
Thu Sep 30 02:38:37 BST 2004

Piotr Szymanski said:
> Hi,
> Michael Pyne (Wednesday 29 of September 2004 20:16):
>> Are you kidding?  I would be beyond happy for anything that would make
>> it
>> easier to use qmake instead of the autotools, at least for simple
>> applications that don't need a large build framework.
> Doesnt qmake suck because it has install stuff in make and not make
> install?
What are you talking about?  make install works as normal.
> At least it sucked in qsa (actually the trolls sucked as well because they
> wrote a configure in c++).
Completely different senario.

   -ian reinhart geiser
+-Ian Reinhart Geiser geiseri at sourcextreme.com
+-Vice President of Engineering
+-It's not that we don't make mistakes, we just don't keep them around.

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