File drop popup menu removal

Simon Edwards simon at
Mon Sep 6 20:36:33 BST 2004

On Monday 06 September 2004 13:16, Szombathelyi György wrote:
> If that counts, I'm against the removing the popup window, and I hate 
> this in Windows, too. (Actually I like the popup in KDE). I can say this 
> after teaching some users of various ctrl+drop, ctrl+shif+drop methods - 
> they forget it after one day.

Perhaps the popup should also say what the modifiers are:

Move    Ctrl+<drop>
Copy    Shft+<drop>

the same way that menus explain that what their shortcuts are.

just a thought.

Simon Edwards             | Guarddog Firewall
simon at       |
Nijmegen, The Netherlands | "ZooTV? You made the right choice."

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