Possible drag and drop actions for KURLDrag

Wilco Greven greven at kde.org
Sat Oct 16 10:07:55 BST 2004

Op zaterdag 16 oktober 2004 08:14, schreef Scott Wheeler:
> On Friday 15 October 2004 21:59, Wilco Greven wrote:
> > I've implemented dragging covers from amarok's cover manager. I'm using
> > KURLDrag (and also QImageDrag) so it's possible to drag the file
> > containing the cover image to Konqueror.
> Just a side note -- technically this isn't legal with the images that are
> retrieved from the Amazon services.  [1] [2]

Yes, too bad. I'll let the decision whether to keep the code to the amarok 


> -Scott
> [1]
> http://www.amazon.com/gp/browse.html/102-2544029-8428156?_encoding=UTF8&nod
>e=3440661&no=3435361&me=A36L942TSJ2AJA (Secion D)
> [2] To be honest, I've thought that using said service at all probably
> isn't GPL compatible, but haven't really raised the issue yet.  But I've
> refused similar patches for JuK on these (and other) grounds.

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