[PATCH] Extracting marked code comments by xgettext

Pedro Morais morais at kde.org
Sun Oct 3 16:27:26 BST 2004

Em Domingo, 3 de Outubro de 2004 16:19, Nicolas Goutte escreveu:
> Currently, it is tested in koffice/kivio/Makefile.am and as
> kdesdk/scripts/extractrc as already support for such comments, it gives
> the extra comments on messages coming for example from .ui files.
> (For the result, see kde-i18n/templates/koffice/kivio.pot )

Could this be expanded to include the name of the property we're translating? 
It's nice to know if you're translating a "title" or a "text".

Pedro Morais - morais at kde.org - http://www.rnl.ist.utl.pt/~pmmm/

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