RFC: pkg-config for KDE

David Pashley david at davidpashley.com
Fri Oct 1 15:47:30 BST 2004

On Sep 30, 2004 at 14:49, Ian Reinhart Geiser praised the llamas by saying:
> > For one thing: aren't you missing Qt in your pkg-config --cflags kdeui
> > somehow?
> > At least I see nothing that would drag it in.
> Yes, the issue is that I want to rely on the Qt pkg-config file, but since
> debian forgets to install it in their packages I never got that far.
Have you filed a bug against this? It should get fixed if you do that.

David Pashley
david at davidpashley.com
Nihil curo de ista tua stulta superstitione.
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