[patch] desktop grid #79932 (was: desktop icon text lines)

Martin Koller m.koller at surfeu.at
Sun Nov 28 19:15:26 GMT 2004

On Saturday 27 November 2004 15:50, Martin Koller wrote:
> On Sunday 21 November 2004 21:03, David Faure wrote:
> > Personally I'm for committing the "make it configurable" patch.
> I did that now, but have seen, that I have to also solve the general
> problem with #79932 

Finally I have a solution:

Attached you'll find a patch which solves 

The approach is based on what I described in my previous mail, but again here 
my idea:

The user can already define the icon size he likes to have. He can also select 
the font he wants to have on the desktop. With my previous patch, he now also 
can select how many lines of text he wants to have.
But what is missing, is the possibility to select how _wide_ the text can be.
With this setting, we have all information to calculate a good fixed size 

The width can be defined in kcontrol in the background/advanced dialog (same 
as the text lines)

This is a better solution than simply define a fixed size for the grid, 
because with my approach you can simply play around with different icon sizes 
and font sizes, and you still get a good grid.

Waiting on your feedback ...

Best regards/Schöne Grüße

Martin    ()  ascii ribbon campaign - against html mail 
          /\                        - against microsoft attachments

       Some operating systems are called 'user friendly',
             Linux however is 'expert friendly'.
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