crash in kio/kdirlister.cpp

Michael Brade brade at
Tue Nov 23 10:32:31 GMT 2004

Hi Martin,

> I have an easy reproduceable crash in konqi with following bt:
> ASSERT: "!urlsCurrentlyHeld[jobUrlStr]" in kdirlister.cpp (947)
> ASSERT: "!urlsCurrentlyHeld[jobUrlStr]" in kdirlister.cpp (947)
> ASSERT: "item" in kdirlister.cpp (443)
Yes, I got to know this when someone assigned the corresponding bugreport 
(#88745) to me. I started to look for the solution but didn't find it 
immediately... Now I got forced to finish my project thesis this week and 
then I've got an exam on Dec. 1st. I'll be back in full force in 
mid-December, at the very latest. And hey, if you want, you're welcome to fix 
the bug before I get a chance to do so ;-)

Michael Brade;                 KDE Developer, Student of Computer Science
  |-mail: echo brade !#|tr -d "c oh"|s\e\d 's/e/\@/2;s/$/.org/;s/bra/k/2'

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