[patch] ToolTip also in konq-ListView

Martin Koller m.koller at surfeu.at
Sat Nov 20 22:34:27 GMT 2004

On Saturday 20 November 2004 14:40, Enrico Ros wrote:

> Looks good to me. It seems more maintainable too. Compliments Martin for
> the good work!!

Thanks a lot!

> I have only a note on what you can do while at that, since the folowing
> optimization saves 70% of the cpu time when hovering items!!

Thank you very much for your input. I checked this and my implementation 
really suffered due to this.

> - Delayed tooltip creation MUST be done. 

So I have included this, and it's really much better.
But more: during the tests I found that the most performance was lost by the 
method KFileItem::getToolTipText(int maxcount) - it loads a plugin to get 
file meta information.
Now I do all this delayed and it is much more performant!

Also your hint regarding 'popup appears after leaving window' was a test I 
forgot - and my first patch suffered also from this. Now it's solved!

Regarding Davids comment:
>Just one thing: KFileTip could give conflicts with kio/kfile code. Can you 
>it to KonqFileTip?

Also did this now.

Attached is the new patch.

Just a question: Is it allowed to remove the 2 no longer needed functions in
libkonq/konq_iconviewwidget.h thinking of BIC ?
Or is BIC only needed in kdelibs ?

Best regards/Schöne Grüße

Martin    ()  ascii ribbon campaign - against html mail 
          /\                        - against microsoft attachments

       Some operating systems are called 'user friendly',
             Linux however is 'expert friendly'.
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