XML Schema for XML GUI

Frans Englich frans.englich at telia.com
Wed Nov 10 13:09:47 GMT 2004


I wrote a XML Schema for KXMLGUI, it's attached. It dictates the "gui" 
version, instead of the deprecated "kpartgui". It validates against random 
files :), but has TODOs sprinkled all over since I'm not intimate with the 
format, and some of it looks suspicious. I'll commit it to kdelibs/kdeui in a 
couple of days, unless someone objects.

Now.. Combined with that documentation for the KXMLGUI is practically 
non-existant, this makes an excellent opportunity for brushing up the face 
outwards. David's script could copy the schema to www.kde.org/standards, and 
a grande "KXMLGUI -- KDE's user interface XML framework", a shiny, extensive, 
technical reference at developer.kde.org documented the innards of it, while 
the Schema had its last polish. 

I'll update the Schema as requested, but the document at DKO.. Takers? :)

BTW, we should have naming guidelines for XML formats, such that our 
frameworks can come out consistent for KDE 4. I'll try to cook something up, 
at some point, for KDE Policies.



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