Auto-WONTFIX for old UNCONFIRMED wishlist items

Stephan Kulow coolo at
Fri Nov 5 20:33:58 GMT 2004

On Friday 05 November 2004 13:31, Malte S. Stretz wrote:

> One possible issue with that:  Somebody already complained in some bug that
> I always report my bugs as NEW, not UNCONFIRMED.  But that's not me but the
> wizard who either likes and trusts me too much or has a bug somewhere.  I
> guess that has to be fixed first or the script in question won't make much
> sense.
Well, if you got bug rights, we trust you enough to judge for yourself that a 
wish of yours that doesn't get any additional votes is a WONTFIX.

Greetings, Stephan

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