splitting up distro packages (was: KDE 4 modules structure (again))

Stefan Taferner taferner at kde.org
Sun Mar 14 18:22:47 GMT 2004

On Sunday 14 March 2004 19:09, Dominique Devriese wrote:
> > And please, no nonsense about "saving disk space". Saving a few
> > hundred kilobytes these days is silly. (And people who are short on
> > disk space probably should not trade quite so many MP3s).
> 1 Knoppix and related cd's are very concerned with disk space.
> 2 Debian policy disallows not splitting the packages
> 3 A lot of admin's are still very concerned with disk space.

SCSI / Raid disk space is still quite expensive, and if you want to have
it backuped too, its even more.

Besides that it might help to have some splitting, but I am also not
sure if per-app packages are worth the hassle.

Kind regards,

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