[PATCH] KUser and new class KGroup

Christian Loose christian.loose at hamburg.de
Sat Jun 5 10:51:21 BST 2004

Am Samstag, 5. Juni 2004 11:07 schrieb Alexander Neundorf:
> On Friday 04 June 2004 19:13, Jan Schäfer wrote:
> >
> > So I think there are enough cases where it could be used.
> Well, I don't want to sound negative, but which advantage would the KGroup
> class offer over
> struct group gr=getgrname(name)/getgrid(gid); ?
> This seems to be basically the two calls which are used in these places,
> not hard to understand, easy to use, well known UNIX API.
> Wrapping a class around it adds another layer, which means overhead (not
> much), another layer which can have bugs and another new API to learn.

Do you remember all the incorrect calls of the "well known" UNIX API 
gethostname() (e.g. http://lists.kde.org/?l=kde-cvs&m=106659066513576&w=2)? 
As André said, some people here just much more familiar with a C++ API.


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