plans for KDE4

Zack Rusin zack at
Fri Jul 2 12:04:41 BST 2004

On Friday 02 July 2004 06:50, Sébastien Laoût 2颡stien wrote:
> Support more XServer capabilities ?

It doesn't depend on us. We'll support whatever we'll get that will make 
KDE better. 

> Also, some days ago I've seen a sem-transparent window decoration.
> It wasn't using XServer translucent but it could be good...

They were available for longest time and the discussion of IMHO 
stupidity of those is beyond the scope of this list.

> If possible, work on the new Find system talked in kde-usability
> mailing list, and why not have a G-Storable / WinFS /
> whatWillProposeMACOSX(dont remember the name) to find files in
> seconds, and have live query folders...

You're mixing the concepts here. I'm assuming you're talking about a 
desktop indexer here. I'm working on it.

> If possible, manage drag and drop better.
> QT doc say that MIMEtypes list provided by the source app are sorted
> in a decreasing order of interest.
> So, if an app have this order :
> 1) text/plain
> 2) text/uri-list
> It want KWrite drop the text/plain and not open the URL(s).
> Every apps process dropping in THEIRE order of preferences.
> Perhapse it's need a better API from QT...

heh, i'm going to leave this for someone else since I don't feel like 
getting into this discussion.

In general I feel that threads like this are absolutely useles. In fact 
I'm sure of it. Do you have an implementation of any of it? Do you know 
how it will behave? Whether it will be usable? Whether it all makes 
sense? No, in situations like this you're just throwing ideas out 
there. Implement them. What you say is just hardcore obvious. It's just 
like saying "for KDE 4 we have to improve KDE". Well doh. 

Unless you're going to start throwing in design ideas or at least very 
specific apps ideas then saying "we'll need support for all new X 
extensions" is just silly. Besides I'd prefer if for at least a month 
more people would focus on KDE 3.3.


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