[PATCH] mac qt library directories, and mac gl detection (update libltdl?)

Benjamin Reed ranger at befunk.com
Fri Jan 23 02:04:08 GMT 2004

Attached are some minor patches for the admin dir that adds common
framework directories to the library search for qt, and adds a test for
using the OpenGL framework.

Building with Qt/Mac also requires current libtool CVS, but for obvious
reasons, it's not nearly time to ask about getting that into the admin
tree yet.  =)

In the meantime, though, is there any chance of updating libltdl in
arts/ and kdelibs/ to at least the version that comes with libtool 1.4,
or preferably 1.5?  The current version has major performance issues
loading libraries on OSX that turn 20 second startup times into 3 minute
startup times.

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