makefile -f Makefile.cvs aborts with compile_kpilot does not appear in AM_CONDITIONAL
Reinhold Kainhofer
reinhold at
Sun Jan 18 15:57:43 GMT 2004
Mickael Marchand wrote:
> I don't remind seeing this in the policy ;) ("breaking while merging
> during days is allowed")
How about using a little common sense at least?
For about three weeks all development in kdepim took part in a separate
branch. All new features were added there. Now all kdepim developers need
to merge their commits from osnabrueck_branch to HEAD.
> anyway,
> just another policy which applies to everyone except the people who wrote
> it
Come one! The new features need to be merged, and that's the task of several
people. Sorry that they are not in a video conference and trying to commit
to cvs at exactly the same minute...
> I just wanted to show how stupid this kind of rules are useless (except to
> slow down development and losing time).
No, this policy isn't useless at all, since there will be a separate kdepim
release in about 4 months (with freeze in about 2 months), so that release
needs to work with kdelibs 3.2. Furthermore, to be able to release that
soon we need to make sure that kdepim is ready for release almost all the
time (which means no compile problems, or in other words, don't commit new
features which need a lot of testing).
BTW, Adriaan just commited the merge from osnabrueck_branch to HEAD for
kpilot, so your problem should be solved in the meantime.
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