Web cvs

Daniel Molkentin molkentin at kde.org
Wed Feb 25 01:27:28 GMT 2004

On Wednesday 25 February 2004 02:19, Christopher Molnar wrote:
>This is not final, but this is to make anyone who is complaining
>understand completly that the server is not a KDE server, KDE has NO
>RIGHT to make demands on how things are displayed, I can and will take
>my toys and go home.
>Yet, it is unbelievable to me that I have had to read a tirade of
>emails demanding that I make the server "free" and demand that I take a
>1 line link off of the server. If this is the case than KDE needs to
>remove all of the links off of the contributions page. They are all

Ok, the only actual problem is that advertisements under the KDE Domain mean 
that KDE e.V. (as the actual domain "owner") could be made responsible for 

>It is open for discussion, but I did not see any discussion in any of
>the prior messages I just saw complaints.

Ok, the basic question is: Could KDE e.V. be held liable for anything 
associated with advertisement and did I overlook other issues why it was 
decided not to have sponsoring on *.kde.org websites and: what do we do about 
themes.kde.org being an alias for kde-look.org. This is somewhat more 
problematic since kde-look might contain copyrighed material. But for webcvs 
we either ask the e.V. Board to acknowledge the banner or we either thank 
Chris for his hosting and move the stuff to an ad-free server and move along.

Does this sound acceptable to everyone?


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