Suggestion: Make "WhatsThis" 100% complete for next release

Kurt Pfeifle kpfeifle at
Sat Feb 14 13:07:08 GMT 2004

Stephan Kulow wrote:
> Am Friday 13 February 2004 17:29 schrieb Kurt Pfeifle:
>>Bur *I* am. Extend the content until it is 100% complete. Make this one
>>of the goals for the next release!
> Without people volunteering to go over this,

If you cared to read the whole thread:

--> I am volunteering for KDEPrint
--> I suggested to ask the (still to be formed) Quality Teams to make this
     one of their goals

Also, it should be the task of the developers in the first place (at least
for new apps) to make sure it is complete. You wouldn't dub a lot of "dead"
OK or Cancel buttons to be in order, would you?

> there is little point in making
> this a goal. We can have _tons_ of goals,

See it as a suggestion have this declared as a priority. In which caee it
would differentiate from the other tons of goals. Of course, this
declaration of priority needs the agreement of at least a substantial
part of core developers. And the Release Dude, of course....   ;-)

The situation now with WhatsThis is: that one spot alone makes KDE look
very unfinshed, incomplete and unpolished.

> but without people doing it, it's
> just way to say we will never release a new version.


> Greetings, Stephan


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