Suggestion: Make "WhatsThis" 100% complete for next release

Frerich Raabe raabe at
Fri Feb 13 10:01:44 GMT 2004

On Thu, Feb 12, 2004 at 10:26:45PM +0100, Daniel Naber wrote:
> Also, it would be cool if the documentation could somehow "include" these 
> help texts. Duplication could thus be avoided.

I've been playing with the idea (generating skeleton DocBook files from the
WhatsThis texts in an .ui file [those are easy to parse]) some time ago, you
can see what I have at

It's a Qt-only package consisting of

- ui2db: generates a list of DocBook entities, each of which corresponds to
  a whatsthis item. The list is supposed to be suitable for inclusion into
  another DocBook file. The idea behind this extra level of indirection
  caused by the entities is that it allows you to change the texts in the
  .ui file without touching the main manual.

- ui2png: a primitive snapshot-maker for .ui files. It attempts to make
  multiple screenshots in case there are tabwidgets, one for each tab (I
  forgot whether this worked or not, I suppose there can be recursion
  problems with nested tabwidgets)

- a script which puts the two above together and generates the
  actual skeleton DocBook file.

The tarball also includes my test subject, kcmnewstickerwidget.ui, which is
fairly WhatsThis-complete. You can give it a try by running
" kcmnewstickerwidget.ui Configuration"

- Frerich

if new true friend not protected for explicit private union, break
case and try using this.

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