Apollon soon in kde-extragear

Stefan Gehn sgehn at gmx.net
Thu Feb 12 09:35:46 GMT 2004

Am Donnerstag, 12. Februar 2004 05:20 schrieb Jamethiel Knorth:
> Apollon would qualify because all it does is allow you to use a certain
> protocol, so there is no problem.
> KMLDonkey might have a problem, because (it's been a while since I looked
> at eDonkey, so I might be wrong) it looks up servers to connect to from one
> list.

Kmldonkey does nothing but provide a frontend to an mldonkey daemon. The list 
you see is fetched and handled by mldonkey, kmldonkey just displays it. 
Kmldonkey does not even schedule the automatic connects/disconnects, that's 
part of mldonkey as well.

IMHO this whole talk is just silly. If kde people have problems with p2p apps 
then move kmldonkey out of keg so this silly talk can just stop.

> FastTrack is a single network, so no looking-up of a list occurs.

Surely not, mldonkey connects to it as well and keeps a list of clients to 
connect to so the only thing changing is that the clients exchange lists 
between eachother.

Bye, Stefan aka mETz

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