API problems (Was: future versions)

Marc Mutz Marc.Mutz at uni-bielefeld.de
Sat Feb 7 01:54:53 GMT 2004

On Friday 06 February 2004 16:22, Waldo Bastian wrote:
> So then the question becomes which API parts are so bad that they
> cause real hurt?

KListView. It's always again a pleasure to try to find out what is 
obsoleted there by new QListView functionality, and then fighting 
QListView's undocumented behaviours. But that particular issue will 
solve itself when QListView, QListBox, QIconView and QTable all get a 
common base class in Qt4 and work on data the application developer 
provides instead of requiring zillions of QFooItems.

But then, I may be only dreaming :)

KDialogBase is also much too stuffed with trivial convenience methods. 
addVBoxPage() anyone? You can't subclass it less than once a day or 
else you forget the zillions of arguments the ctors take.

KAccel*. After a few implementations of mainwindows, I'm still not sure 
which of the ten or so overloaded ctors or KEditToolbar static methods 
I want.

The accumulated mess in kdelibs/interfaces. Yes, I'm all for interfaces 
but requiring a text editor to implement - say - a dozen "interfaces" 
is quite heavy, esp. since they each require virtual inheritance, which 
is surprisingly memory intensive.

KProgress. Has anyone looked at what it provides over QProgressBar? This 
probably goes for many s/Q/K/ classes.

KStringHander. _what_? A "class" with only static members?


The list can surely be extended. It's supposed to serve to show that 
there is loooots of stuff that is in dire need of cleanup.

And then there is the issue (but maybe it is no issue to anyone but me) 
of using (or rather not using) the KDE namespace.


Ich gegen meinen Bruder.
Ich und mein Bruder gegen unseren Cousin.
Ich, mein Bruder und unser Cousin gegen unsere Nachbarn.
Wir alle gegen den Fremden.
                                      -- Beduinen-Sprichwort
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