[PATCH] Volume saving (was: Re: Mixing with KCM KMix)

Michael Reiher michael.reiher at gmx.de
Fri Feb 6 09:25:54 GMT 2004

On Monday 02 February 2004 12:04, Michael Reiher wrote:
> While speaking of it: it would be a cool feature if kmix would save any
> volumes at all!;) There is neither a manual way to do it nor does it save
> volumes on KDE shutdown (Ok, it does when you quit it manually as I found
> out later). As I got annoyed of getting my ears blasted all the time, here
> is a fix which makes volume saving on exit working. Additionally, something
> I came across on the way, it ensure kmix starts up with any UI at all.
> Might be a rare case, but when you hav no docking and close the window with
> the 'X' button, the window state was saved as not visible.
> Please have a look.
> Greets Michael

Can I take this silence as "Go ahead and commit!" ? I mean it's a pretty 
simple patch after all and shouldn't break much.



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