missing feedback (Re: [kde-announce] Announcing KDE 3.2)

Aaron Seigo aseigo at kde.org
Thu Feb 5 21:27:52 GMT 2004

Hash: SHA1

On February 5, 2004 13:30, Andras Mantia wrote:
> On Thursday 05 February 2004 20:12, Christian Loose wrote:
> > So my real question is, how should this be handled when one stumbles over
> > one of those patches? Just test and commit it? What do the other app
> > maintainers think?
> Just a vague idea: create a list where the patches are forwarded/sent.
> Anyone (with a CVS account) wanting to take care of those patches can look
> at it, ask the maintainer and if the maintainer doesn't react and the patch

there's actually a link on bugs.kde.org called "Reports with patches"... its a 
fast way to get a list of all 168 BRs that have patches.

> is good, commit. Hm, are the quality team members a candidate for this?

yes. this is perfect work for them: read the reports, apply the patches 
locally, test, report back and triage with the maintainers / other coders

- -- 
Aaron J. Seigo
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