Moving kdcop

Karl-Heinz Zimmer khz at
Tue Feb 3 11:07:33 GMT 2004

Hash: SHA1

On Dienstag, 3. Februar 2004 05:16, Ian Reinhart Geiser wrote:
> On Monday 02 February 2004 06:18 pm, Karl-Heinz Zimmer wrote:
> > On Dienstag, 3. Februar 2004 00:04, Ian Reinhart Geiser wrote:
> > > On Monday 02 February 2004 04:50 pm, Frans Englich wrote:
> > > > Is not kdesdk a better place for kdcop?
> > >
> > > i put my vote in for kdesdk.  BTW i have started partifying it so
> > > we can use it with kdevelop better.  Lets plan on moving it to a
> > > RO part and put it in SDK... after all normal humans should never
> > > need it to run KDE.
> >
> > So normal humans are not supposed to use KHotKeys?
> > Please be nice and reply to Jason Keirstead's mail and tell us why
> > you don't share his point of view.
> Im not sure rational sense applies here, since its been ignored so
> far, but its as follows:
> 	KDCOP is not needed for normal out of the box operations for
>       KDE
> 	KDCOP is used to extend KDE in a method that mostly programmers
>       and sysadmins will use.
> 	KDCOP is not accessed from the kmenu, and is only used by those
>       who know about it (shallow, but a point none the less)
> 	So with all these givins im going to say KDE SDK makes the most
> sense.

OK, fine, I have no problem with that - I only have a problem with the
resulting situation:

    If you move kdcop to kdsedk *without* also moving KHotKeys,
    the result would be that KHotKeys would be runnable from base,
    but the kdcop functionallity would be missing.

So this would mean: cripple another base program by moving kdcop away.

Not good.

So either ove *both* of them, or neither.

Don't you agree to this?

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